Designing a Plan to Secure your Business
When it comes to security, it’s crucial that businesses have a plan. Retail security can be complex and there are varied threats that all must be taken into account. This reality means that business owners can’t just focus on one or two security tools or one or two potential scenarios. They must create a comprehensive security plan that analyzes risks, considers the various situations and crimes that could occur, and that utilizes tools and technologies in tandem to provide superior security.
Sitting down and coming up with a detailed plan will help your business stay secure and safe.
Here are some tips for how to create a retail security plan as well as some information on which situations should be considered and the types of tools that should be utilized.
Access Control
Access control is sometimes overlooked as a security method. However, regardless of the type, size or layout of your retail store, it is crucial. At any given time, your location could have staff, customers, vendors, delivery personnel or various other individuals on site.
It’s important that sensitive areas or areas that contain valuables (such as stock rooms, warehouses, offices, etc.) are secured with locked doors or security gates and that only those staff who require access to these areas are provided with the keys, pass cards or PIN codes required to open them.
Video Surveillance
Video surveillance is an excellent way to gather evidence about a crime that has taken place. While these security tools do not physically prevent crimes, they can be of great help in the aftermath of a crime. Police often request security footage when a crime takes place. Insurance companies also frequently ask for this footage when a business files a claim.
Alarm Systems
Alarm systems can be used to quickly alert store owners and even contact police or security guards in the event of a robbery or other crime. By installing an alarm system at your property, you make it much more likely that a crime in progress will be noticed and that police will arrive on scene as soon as possible.
Store Layout
Many retail store owners overlook the importance of a store’s layout when it comes to security. If your store is laid out in a manner that allows criminals to hide when committing crimes, your store is vulnerable.
For example, shoplifters often take advantage of “dead spots” where they cannot be seen by store staff or security cameras in order to slide stolen items into their pockets or bags. By changing your store layout to eliminate such spots, you reduce the likelihood of such crimes taking place.
Staff Training
There are a number of aspects to staff training that can help reduce crime. One is to teach staff how to recognize suspected shoplifters and how to act and circulate through the store in order to reduce the chances of shoplifting. For example, greeting customers as they enter the property has been proven to reduce shoplifting. This is because potential criminals realize that someone is watching them when they are greeted, and that makes them much less likely to attempt a crime.
Staff also need to be trained on your company’s policies regarding employee behaviour and loss prevention. If they know, for example, that there are surveillance cameras watching all cash registers and that stock rooms are protected by access control tools, this will reduce employee theft.
Physical Security
Physical security tools put a barrier between criminals and your property. By installing security gates on windows and doors, you drastically reduce the likelihood of a smash and grab robbery or other similar crime.
It also helps a great deal to place small yet valuable items inside locked cabinets or behind secure gates. This can cut down on shoplifting and keep your property secure.
We have some more helpful tips to improving the security of your business. Download our helpful guide to Improving Your Security Mindset.