Five Tips to Stop Shoplifters

How to Prevent Shoplifting Shoplifting costs retail businesses money and, unfortunately, it’s a pretty common crime. According to statistics from the National Association for Shoplifting Prevention, there are approximately 27 million shoplifters in the United States. This is about 1 in 11 people. More than 10 million people in the US have been caught shoplifting…

Why are Cellular Phone Stores Targeted by Smash and Grab Thieves?

Why are Cellular Stores Highly Targeted by Smash and Grab Thieves? As thieves target cellular stores, it’s becoming very common to read “In the early morning hour” and “officers discovered that a window had been broken and that the business had been burglarized”.  Usually what follows that is: the suspects were seen on surveillance footage….

The Cost of Attempted Break-Ins Often Greater Than the Merchandise Stolen

The True Cost of Smash & Grab Robberies Many business owners believe that installing security tools is required only to prevent merchandise from being stolen. While this is obviously one important part, it’s not the only reason to secure your business. Another crucial reason is because the property damage that occurs during a break-in is…

Why Physical Security Should be Visible to Criminals

How Physical Security Prevents Break-Ins There’s often a lot of focus on “hiding” security tools, especially among businesses. Many business owners believe that customers don’t want to see security tools and they’re worried that visible security will make their businesses appear unsafe or “ugly.” While this may be true during business hours, it’s certainly not…

How Do You Protect Your Business During Protests and Demonstrations?

Securing your Property during Protests and Demonstrations It seems like it’s impossible to turn on the TV these days without seeing a protest or demonstration taking place. While the vast majority of these gatherings are peaceful, some are not. In addition, it often doesn’t take much for a peaceful protest to turn dangerous. Large groups…